Intent and reality


Rauhut Michael


The development of popular music in the GDR was managed and controlled by the state. The state monopolized the production and distribution of music and kept its social use under surveillance, enacting a multitude of laws intended to shore up its own claim to power. While the administrative hold of the state left behind deep marks on the aesthetics and attitudes of East German rock and pop music, its grip was never absolute. Leading political ideas were continually being undermined by musicians and fans, but also by the state apparatus itself. In practice, the principle of expediency held court, and the path of least resistance was chosen. Small capitalist structures became increasingly prevalent, while everyday music culture atomized into niches. The fissure between intention and reality, with its attendant contradictions and tensions, operated as an important source of impetus and momentum for popular music in the GDR. Historical research that looks to advance to the heart of the subject must keep a view to the intricate processes of negotiation and power structures. This article considers the specific dynamics at play in light of three examples: the means of production, of publicity, and of interpretation.


Equinox Publishing



Reference44 articles.

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