1. Anand, Geetha and T. N. Ganapathy. 2014. ‘Sivavakkiyam- Songs of a Spiritual Rebel.’ https://archive.org/details/SivavakkiyamSongsOfSpiritualRebel (accessed 27 December 2022).
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3. Ganapathy, T. N. (ed., trans.). 2003a. The Yoga of Siddha Bhoganathar. Vol 1. Quebec: Babaji’s Kriya Yoga and Publications.
4. ——(ed., trans.). 2003b. ‘Astanga Yogam—24 (The Eight Fold Yoga—24).’ In The Yoga of Siddha Bhoganathar: 209–64. Vol 1. Quebec: Babaji’s Kriya Yoga and Publications.
5. ——(ed.). 2004a. The Yoga of the Eighteen Siddhas: An Anthology. St Etienne de Bolton, Canada: Babaji’s Kriya Yoga and Publications.