production of L2 Italian voiced palatal lateral and voiced palatal nasal by English-speaking learners


Cortiana Giulia,Rafat Yasaman


This study examines the L2 production of the Italian (e.g. ‹tovaglia›, ‘tablecloth’) and (e.g. ‹agnello›, ‘lamb’) by English-speaking learners. Four beginner English-native speakers, one advanced English-native speakers and two Italian-native speakers completed a picture-naming task, a reading task and a language background questionnaire. An auditory and an acoustic analysis were conducted, where F1, F2, F3 and F4, and duration were measured. The results showed that both sounds are difficult for second language learners to acquire in a native-like manner. Moreover, each of these complex sounds may be produced as a sequence of two existing first languages sounds. Our findings have implications for L2 models of speech learning. We propose that a (marked) L2 sound may be produced as a sequence of existing L1 sounds.


Equinox Publishing


General Medicine

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