Khirbat Faris: Rural Settlement, Continuity and Change in Southern Jordan: The Nabataean to Modern Periods (1st century BC–20th century AD), by Alison McQuitty, Holly Parton and Andrew Petersen. Archaeopress Archaeology, 2020. 428pp., with 60 tables and 271 figures. Pb. £50.00, ISBN-13: 9781789693898; ePDF £16.00. ISBN-13: 9781789693904.
Ancient Landscapes of Zoara I: Surveys and Excavations at the Ghor as-Safi in Jordan, 1997–2018, by Konstantinos D. Politis. Routledge, 2021. 304 pp., with 399 B/W figures. Hb. $160.00, ISBN-13: 9780367622800; ePDF $48.95, ISBN-13: 9781003108696.
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