Construction management is a long and complex process that covers from the planning stage of the building to be constructed to the completion and the end of demolition process. Managing this process is efficient and useful with experts in the field. In this study, the aim is to assess the current status of construction management education provided at undergraduate civil engineering programs in Türkiye and the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC), to analyze the course contents and to compare the course and course contents in the two countries. For this purpose, the undergraduate civil engineering programs of all universities (state and foundation universities) in Türkiye and TRNC were included in the scope of the study. As a result, as of September 2022, 117 universities in Türkiye have civil engineering programs, 61 of which provide construction management and related courses. It has been concluded that there are civil engineering programs in 9 universities in TRNC and 7 of these universities provide construction management and related courses. When the course contents were analyzed, it has been determined that there is approximately 80% similarity and that the majority of them name the course as construction management. In addition, project management and construction management are among the frequently used course titles. Construction management and related courses should be included in the curriculum not only in civil engineering but also in departments such as architecture, business administration, etc. Furthermore, not only in undergraduate education but also in postgraduate education, the courses should be put into practice in more detail and with the aim of specialization.
Kirsehir Ahi Evran University
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