A first test of the framed standard model against experiment


Bordes José1,Chan Hong-Mo2,Tsou Sheung Tsun3


1. Departament Fisica Teorica and IFIC, Centro Mixto CSIC, Universitat de Valencia, Calle Dr. Moliner 50, E-46100 Burjassot (Valencia), Spain

2. Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, Chilton, Didcot, Oxon, OX11 0QX, UK

3. Mathematical Institute, University of Oxford, Radcliffe Observatory Quarter, Woodstock Road, Oxford, OX2 6GG, UK


The framed standard model (FSM) is obtained from the standard model by incorporating, as field variables, the frame vectors (vielbeins) in internal symmetry space. It gives the standard Higgs boson and 3 generations of quarks and leptons as immediate consequences. It gives moreover a fermion mass matrix of the form: m = mTαα, where α is a vector in generation space independent of the fermion species and rotating with changing scale, which has already been shown to lead, generically, to up–down mixing, neutrino oscillations and mass hierarchy. In this paper, pushing the FSM further, one first derives to 1-loop order the RGE for the rotation of α, and then applies it to fit mass and mixing data as a first test of the model. With 7 real adjustable parameters, 18 measured quantities are fitted, most (12) to within experimental error or to better than 0.5 percent, and the rest (6) not far off. (A summary of this fit can be found in Table 2 of this paper.) Two notable features, both generic to FSM, not just specific to the fit, are: (i) that a theta-angle of order unity in the instanton term in QCD would translate via rotation into a Kobayashi–Maskawa phase in the CKM matrix of about the observed magnitude (J ~ 10-5), (ii) that it would come out correctly that mu < md, despite the fact that mt ≫ mb, mc ≫ ms. Of the 18 quantities fitted, 12 are deemed independent in the usual formulation of the standard model. In fact, the fit gives a total of 17 independent parameters of the standard model, but 5 of these have not been measured by experiment.


World Scientific Pub Co Pte Lt


Astronomy and Astrophysics,Nuclear and High Energy Physics,Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics

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