1. Artificial Intelligence Laboratory for Mechanical, Civil, and Soil Structures, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Institute of Technology, University Center Salhi Ahmed Naama (Ctr. Univ. Naama), P. O. Box 66, Naama 45000, Algeria
2. Department of Mechanical Engineering, LMPM Laboratory, Djillali Liabes University, Algeria
3. Energy and Environment Laboratory, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Institute of Technology, University Center Salhi Ahmed Naama (Ctr. Univ. Naama), P. O. Box 66, Naama 45000, Algeria
4. College of Technical Engineering, National University of Science and Technology, Dhi Qar, 64001, Iraq
5. Department of Computer Engineering, Biruni University, 34010, Istanbul, Turkey
6. Department of Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering, Afe Babalola University, Ado Ekiti 360101, Nigeria
7. Faculty of Engineering, Kuwait College of Science and Technology, Doha District, 35004, Kuwait