1. Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Dr. Y. S. R. ANU College of Engineering & Technology, Acharya Nagarjuna University, Guntur, Andhra Pradesh 522510, India
2. Department of C. S. B. S., R. V. R. & J. C. College of Engineering, Chowdavaram, Andhra Pradesh 522019, India
Data mining and natural language processing researchers have been working on sentiment analysis for the past decade. Using deep neural networks (DNNs) for sentiment analysis has recently shown promising results. A technique of studying people’s attitudes through emotional sentiment analysis of data generated from various sources such as Twitter, social media reviews, etc. and classifying emotions based on the given data is related to text data generation. Therefore, the proposed study proposes a well-known deep learning technique for facet-based emotional mood classification using text data that can handle a large amount of content. Text data pre-processing uses stemming, segmentation, tokenization, case folding, and removal of stop words, nulls, and special characters. After data pre-processing, three word embedding approaches such as Assimilated N-gram Approach (ANA), Boosted Term Frequency Inverse Document Frequency (BT-IDF) and Enhanced Two-Way Encoder Representation from Transformers (E-BERT) are used to extract relevant features. The extracted features from the three different approaches are concatenated using the Feature Fusion Approach (FFA). The optimal features are selected using the Intensified Hunger Games Search Optimization (I-HGSO) algorithm. Finally, aspect-based sentiment analysis is performed using the Senti-BILSTM (Deep Aspect-EMO SentiNet) autoencoder based on the Hybrid Emotional Aspect Capsule autoencoder. The experiment was built on the yelp reviews dataset, IDMB movie review dataset, Amazon reviews dataset and the Twitter sentiment dataset. A statistical evaluation and comparison of the experimental results are conducted with respect to the accuracy, precision, specificity, the f1-score, recall, and sensitivity. There is a 99.26% accuracy value in the Yelp reviews dataset, a 99.46% accuracy value in the IMDB movie reviews dataset, a 99.26% accuracy value in the Amazon reviews dataset and a 99.93% accuracy value in the Twitter sentiment dataset.
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