Development and validation of rapid Prakriti analysis tool for a standard clinical approach


Doddoli Gururaj1,Doddoli Suchitra2,Shete Sanjay3,Verma Anita3


1. RMO, Ayurveda Section, Health Care Centre, Kaivalyadhama Yoga Institute, Lonavala, Pune, Maharashtra, India

2. Ayurvedacharya, Kaivalyadhama Yoga Institute, B-6 Staff Quarters, Lonavala, Pune, Maharashtra, India

3. Scientific Research Department, Kaivalyadhama, Lonavala, Pune, Maharashtra, India


Background: A specific prakriti is formed for each person by tridosha at the moment when sperm and ovum unite within the uterus. The prakriti evaluation is of vital relevance for research and standardization of therapeutic practice. The current accessible prakriti assessment tools are not destined to be applied in clinical settings, which necessitates the adoption of simple and flexible ones. Hence, this study was conducted to develop a precise, less-technical instrument for prakriti analysis that is quick to assess and exhibit long-term use in healthcare system. Materials and Methods: The content validity of prakriti analysis tool was assessed by panel of 17 skilled ayurvedic physicians. The prakriti analysis tool was developed on the basis of ayurvedic classic texts. A total of 30 items were included in the tool and each item was rated as (i) not essential, (ii) useful but not essential and (iii) essential. The content validity ratio (CVR) was determined by applying Lawshe formula. The CVR calculation was done for all the 30 items of prakriti analysis tool. The items with CVR ≤ 0.45 were excluded from the final scale. To quantify the content validity of tool, content validity index (CVI) at the levels of item (I-CVI) and average-based scale (S-CVI/Ave) were also estimated. Results: The results showed that CVR for item number 4, 7, 9, 10, 16 27, 29 and 30 was less than 0.45. Therefore, from the final prakriti tool these items were removed. In this way the final prakriti analysis tool contains 22 items with CVR ≥ 0.45 which is satisfactory. Further, item level content validity was computed for all the 22 items which ranged from 0.76 to 1. The S-CVI/Ave was also excellent which is equivalent to 0.90. Conclusion: The findings of study infer that prakriti analysis tool is consistent, reliable and worthy of being used on a broad scale to assess greater diversity among healthy volunteers and patients.


World Scientific Pub Co Pte Ltd


General Medicine

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