The spectrum of the Schrödinger–Hamiltonian for trapped particles in a cylinder with a topological defect perturbed by two attractive delta interactions


Silvestro Fassari123,Fabio Rinaldi23,Stefano Viaggiu245


1. Departamento de Física Teórica, Atómica y Óptica and IMUVA, Universidad de Valladolid, Valladolid 47011, Spain

2. Dipartimento di Fisica Nucleare, Subnucleare e delle Radiazioni, Universitá degli Studi Guglielmo Marconi, Via Plinio 44, I-00193 Rome, Italy

3. CERFIM, PO Box 1132, Via F. Rusca 1, CH-6601 Locarno, Switzerland

4. Università di Roma “Tor Vergata”, Via della Ricerca Scientifica, Rome, I-00133, Italy

5. INFN, Sezione di Napoli, Complesso Universitario di Monte S. Angelo, Via Cintia Edificio 6, 80126 Napoli, Italy


In this paper, we exploit the technique used in [Albeverio and Nizhnik, On the number of negative eigenvalues of one-dimensional Schrödinger operator with point interactions, Lett. Math. Phys. 65 (2003) 27; Albeverio, Gesztesy, Hoegh-Krohn and Holden, Solvable Models in Quantum Mechanics (second edition with an appendix by P. Exner, AMS Chelsea Series 2004); Albeverio and Kurasov, Singular Perturbations of Differential Operators: Solvable Type Operators (Cambridge University Press, 2000); Fassari and Rinaldi, On the spectrum of the Schrödinger–Hamiltonian with a particular configuration of three one-dimensional point interactions, Rep. Math. Phys. 3 (2009) 367; Fassari and Rinaldi, On the spectrum of the Schrödinger–Hamiltonian of the one-dimensional harmonic oscillator perturbed by two identical attractive point interactions, Rep. Math. Phys. 3 (2012) 353; Albeverio, Fassari and Rinaldi, The Hamiltonian of the harmonic oscillator with an attractive-interaction centered at the origin as approximated by the one with a triple of attractive-interactions, J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 49 (2016) 025302; Albeverio, Fassari and Rinaldi, Spectral properties of a symmetric three-dimensional quantum dot with a pair of identical attractive [Formula: see text]-impurities symmetrically situated around the origin II, Nanosyst. Phys. Chem. Math. 7(5) (2016) 803; Albeverio, Fassari and Rinaldi, Spectral properties of a symmetric three-dimensional quantum dot with a pair of identical attractive [Formula: see text]-impurities symmetrically situated around the origin, Nanosyst. Phys. Chem. Math. 7(2) (2016) 268] to deal with delta interactions in a rigorous way in a curved spacetime represented by a cosmic string along the [Formula: see text] axis. This mathematical machinery is applied in order to study the discrete spectrum of a point-mass particle confined in an infinitely long cylinder with a conical defect on the [Formula: see text] axis and perturbed by two identical attractive delta interactions symmetrically situated around the origin. We derive a suitable approximate formula for the total energy. As a consequence, we found the existence of a mixing of states with positive or zero energy with the ones with negative energy (bound states). This mixture depends on the radius [Formula: see text] of the trapping cylinder. The number of quantum bound states is an increasing function of the radius [Formula: see text]. It is also interesting to note the presence of states with zero total energy (quasi free states). Apart from the gravitational background, the model presented in this paper is of interest in the context of nanophysics and graphene modeling. In particular, the graphene with double layer in this framework, with the double layer given by the aforementioned delta interactions and the string on the [Formula: see text]-axis modeling topological defects connecting the two layers. As a consequence of these setups, we obtain the usual mixture of positive and negative bound states present in the graphene literature.


World Scientific Pub Co Pte Lt


Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous)

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