1. Department of Mathematical Sciences, Durham University, Upper Mountjoy Campus, Stockton Rd, Durham DH1 3LE, UK
As famously observed by Ooguri and Vafa nearly 20 years ago, scalar field moduli spaces in quantum gravity appear to exhibit various universal features. For instance, they seem to be infinite in diameter, have trivial fundamental group, and feature towers of massive particles that become light in their asymptotic limits. In this paper, we explain how these features can be reformulated in more modern language using generalized notions of global symmetries. Such symmetries are ubiquitous in nongravitational quantum field theories, but it is widely believed that they must be either gauged or broken in quantum gravity. In what follows, we will see that the observations of Ooguri and Vafa can be understood heuristically as consequences of such gauging or breaking.
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