Scalar field inflation driven by a modification of the Heisenberg algebra


García-Compeán H.1ORCID,Mata-Pacheco D.1ORCID


1. Departamento de Física, Centro de Investigación y de Estudios Avanzados del IPN, P. O. Box 14-740, C.P. 07000, Ciudad de México, Mexico


In this paper, we study the modifications induced on scalar field inflation produced by considering a general modification of the Heisenberg algebra. We proceed by modifying the Poisson brackets on the classical theory whenever the corresponding quantum commutator is modified. We do not restrict ourselves to a specific form for such modification, instead we constrain the functions involved by the cosmological behavior of interest. We present whenever possible the way in which inflation can be realized approximately via three slow roll Hubble parameters that depend on the standard slow roll parameters in a very different form than in the usual case and that can be less restrictive. Furthermore, we find a general analytical solution describing an expanding universe with constant Hubble parameter that generalizes the standard cosmological constant case by restricting the form of the modification of the Heisenberg algebra. It is found that even if such modification can be neglected in some limit and the cosmological constant is set to zero in that limit, the exponential expansion is present when the modification is important. Thus, an appropriate modification of the Heisenberg algebra is sufficient to produce an exponentially expanding universe without the need of any other source.




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