1. Department of Applied Social Sciences, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, China
2. New Life Psychiatric Rehabilitation Association, China
With the new managerial system of Funding and Service Agreement (FSA) in Hong Kong, the performance standards in social welfare services are still difficult to define. In this paper, the problems and difficulties arising from the current method of determining performance standards in the Supported Employment Service (SES) were first examined. The current formulation was also considered inadequate for the consideration of the actual service recipient outcomes. Research data from a university and a rehabilitation organisation partnership revealed the complex relationship among service quality, service output and service recipient outcomes. A conceptual model with variables considered as crucial by service operators and researchers was mapped out for better service accountability. This "percentage of best fit" model which was formulated by the empirically derived typologies of SES pathways and service recipients was suggested to form the performance standards. Significant implications include offering a workable alternative to the over-reliant, yet unsatisfactory use of mean discharge rates as the major performance standard in FSAs. This model also helps clarify information on who would fit into what kind of SES modules and for how long they would produce the best outcomes. The applicability of this empirically derived model to other social services should be further explored. Finally, this paper should be regarded as a practical response to the present demands for service quality and best value outcomes, based on an integrated use of clinical social work skills and empirical research methods. 香港社会服务界于一九九九年引入了一些带有管理主义色彩的新制度, 但在与服务提供者共同制订服务表现标准上, 社会 服务界却遇上重重困难。 本文先论述现制度下服务表现标准的限制与不足之处。该标准既未能保证服务质素 ,也未能反映接受服务者在不同阶段的特殊需要及服务成效。 这制度明显不能达致以接受服务者为中心及专注服务成效的两项重要目标。 本文建基于一份大学与康复机构的夥伴研究成果, 并以辅助就业服务为例, 详细阐释了一个以「数据为本」的服务表现标准模式。 此模式的优越性, 在于能以服务数据来厘定一个衡量服务成效的最恰当百分比。 此模式的制订, 将极具深远影响。 首先, 这模式突破了多年来只可用平均值作划一基准的种种限制。 其次是能够厘定服务成效与质素的 关系。 香港社会服务界将可利用此模式作为日后替不同服务制订个别表现标准之参考。 最后, 本文结合了实证研究的技术及社会工作中的临床知识, 为回应香港社会服务界迈进对服务质素及成效有要求的年代所作出的一可行例证 。
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