1. Department of Physics, University of Kalyani, Kalyani, West Bengal 741235, India
Wormholes are considered both from the Wheeler deWitt equation, as well as from the field equations in the Euclidean background of Robertson Walker mini-superspace in [Formula: see text] gravity. Quantum wormhole satisfies Hawking Page wormhole boundary condition in the Euclidean background of mini-superspace, however, in the Lorentzian background wave functional turns to the usual oscillatory function. The Euclidean field equations for [Formula: see text] lead to the wormhole configuration, as well as oscillating universe in Euclidean time [Formula: see text]. The oscillating universe in Euclidean time [Formula: see text] transforms to an expanding universe only for [Formula: see text] in Lorentz time [Formula: see text] under analytic continuation [Formula: see text] and asymptotically leads to an exponential solution. An Euclidean wormhole in the very early era evolves to an oscillating universe in [Formula: see text], thereafter crossing deSitter radius transition to an inflationary era is evident at later epoch only for [Formula: see text].
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