1. School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Nanyang Technological University, Nanyang Avenue, 639798 Singapore
Teachability has been extensively studied under the context of making industrial robots to be programmable and reprogrammable. However, it is only recently that the artificial intelligence (AI) research community is accelerating the research works with the objective of making humanoid robots and many other robots to be teachable under the context of using natural languages. We human beings spend many years learning knowledge and skills despite our extraordinary mental capabilities of being teachable with the use of natural languages. Therefore, if we would like to develop human-like robots such as humanoid robots, it is inevitable for us to face the issue of making future humanoid robots teachable with the use of natural languages as well. In this paper, we present the key details of a top-down design for achieving a teachable mind which consists of two major processes: the first one is the process that enables humanoid robots to gain innate mental capabilities of transforming incoming signals into meaningful crisp data, and the second one is the process which enables humanoid robots to gain innate mental capabilities of undertaking incremental and deep learning with the main focus of associating conceptual labels in a natural language to meaningful crisp data. These two processes consist of the two necessary and sufficient conditions for future humanoid robots to be teachable with the use of natural languages. In addition, this paper outlines a very likely new finding underlying the human brain’s neural systems as well as the obvious mathematics underlying artificial deep neural networks. These outlines provide us with a strong reason to separate the study of the mind from the study of the brain. Hopefully, the content discussed in this paper will help the AI research community to venture into the right direction which is to make future humanoid robots, non-humanoid robots, and many other systems to achieve human-like self-intelligence at the cognitive level with the use of natural languages.
World Scientific Pub Co Pte Ltd
Artificial Intelligence,Mechanical Engineering