Notions of Independence Related to the Free Group


Accardi Luigi1,Hashimoto Yukihiro1,Obata Nobuaki1


1. Graduate School of Polymathematics, Nagoya University, Nagoya 464-8602, Japan


The central limit problem for algebraic probability spaces associated with the Haagerup states on the free group with countably many generators leads to a new form of statistical independence in which the singleton condition is not satisfied. This circumstance allows us to obtain nonsymmetric distributions from the central limit theorems deduced from this notion of independence. In the particular case of the Haagerup states, the role of the Gaussian law is played by the Ullman distribution. The limit process is explicitly realized on the finite temperature Boltzmannian Fock space. The role of entangled ergodic theorems in the proof of the central limit theorems is discussed.


World Scientific Pub Co Pte Lt


Applied Mathematics,Mathematical Physics,Statistics and Probability,Statistical and Nonlinear Physics

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