Nonlinear localized modes in a higher-order anisotropic ferromagnetic nanowire with octupole–dipole interaction


Pavithra T.1ORCID,Kavitha L.1ORCID,Mani Awadesh2ORCID


1. Department of Physics, Central University of Tamil Nadu, Thiruvarur 610005, Tamil Nadu, India

2. Condensed Matter Physics Division, Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research, Kalpakkam 603102, Tamil Nadu, India


Increasing demand for advanced technologies that depends on magnetic phenomena, understanding and controlling the behavior of discrete breather in ferromagnetic nanowires are crucial for enhancing the efficiency and performance of such devices. The presence of octupole–dipole interactions signifies a unique aspect that could potentially influence the stability and localization of breather excitations. Hence, we adopted a multifaceted approach to investigate the Heisenberg anisotropic ferromagnetic nanowire discrete model with the following interactions: bilinear, octupole–dipole, anisotropy and its higher-order terms. The dynamics is governed by a discrete nonlinear Schrödinger equation (DNLS) arrived with the aid of Holstein–Primakoff transformation. This transformation was facilitated by utilizing the Glauber coherent representation of the boson operators. Subsequently, the dynamical equation is incorporated to the Modulational Instability (MI) analysis which is a systematical gateway to explore the breather excitation in the region of instability influenced by the octupole–dipole interaction coupling parameter. Then, we pictorially demonstrated that the octupole–dipole interaction plays a pivotal role in promoting the localization of discrete breather on the surface of the spin lattice sites in the discrete ferromagnetic nanowire. The energy density distribution also implies that the increase in octupole–dipole interaction results in the highly dense breather localization. The result shows that the increment in the octupole–dipole interaction parameter increases the amplitude of the localized breathers. These discrete breathers could hold immense promise for applications in magnetic storage and Spintronic devices, where maintaining stable localized modes is crucial for the device functionality. Our novelty lies in being pioneers in the exploration of a fully discrete model that encompasses higher-order interactions, such as the octupole–dipole interaction. We already have confirmed the existence of instability region on the discrete spin lattice by incorporating the octupole–dipole interaction [T. Pavithra, L. Kavitha, Prabhu and A. Mani, Modulational instability analysis in an isotropic ferromagnetic nanowire with higher order octopole-dipole interaction, in Nonlinear Dynamics and Applications: Proceedings of the ICNDA 2022 (Springer, 2022), p. 1209], we attempting to explore the generation of discrete breathers in a discrete anisotropic ferromagnetic nanowire. This effectively bridges the gap between theoretical understanding and practical implications, paving the way for innovative advancements in magnetic technology.


UGC-DAE Consortium for Scientific Research, University Grants Commission


World Scientific Pub Co Pte Ltd







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