1. Faculty of Security Studies, Belgrade, Serbia
Although crises and catastrophes are a constant of human history, the preparation for them, through the transfer and adoption of an appropriate set of knowledge, habits and values, is relatively recent. In today's risk society, decision makers become aware of the fact that every system of response to crises and catastrophes is as strong as its weakest links, and these are individuals, that is, every individual citizen. In that context, today, in a number of countries, preparations for crises and catastrophes are given significant attention in the curricula within preschool education, as well as in primary and secondary schools, and even at the university level. Countries in transition had ideologically loaded contents related to defense, security and protection in their education systems, but they expelled them in total when they entered the transition process. Today, in some countries in transition, as part of the education system reform, some of these contents are being included again, deprived of ideological and political layers. Some of these attempts are the product of comprehensive reflection, while in other countries they are partial and include only some relevant topics that are studied within already existing teaching subjects. Certainly, in the near future, based on a serious analysis of educational needs in the context of relevant strategic documents related to security, with the involvement of academic and state institutions and bodies, and insight into best comparative practice, this issue should be fully consider and systematically include relevant security content, as well as the manner of their realization in the curricula at all levels of education and upbringing in the transition countries, including the Republic of Serbia in particular.
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