Сексуальность в пожилом возрасте: стереотипы и возможности




1. Молдавский Государственный университет


The research discusses the main ageist stereotypes associated with sexuality in older individuals, as well as presents and analyzes the results of an empirical study of the characteristics of sexual activity in the elderly. This article presents the findings of a study focused on peculiarities of sexual manifestation in old age. The study involved 202 participants, of which 107 (53%) were women and 95 (47%) men, all of whom were residents of the Israeli Center for Psychological Help in Life Crises. The age distribution among the participants was as follows: 62-71 years old – 77.2%; 72-79 years old - 35.4%; 80 years old and older –26.1%. The experiment showed that the subject of sexuality remains relevant for older individuals, and they do not perceive societal barriers to expressing their sexuality. the cessation of sexual activity is found to be directly linked not to age but rather to the absence of a sexual partner or declining health. The study’s results indicate that 62.5% of respondents in committed relationships are sexually active. Among divorced individuals, this percentage rises to 68.2%, whereas widowed respondents exhibit the lowest level of sexual activity at 16.3%, which aligns with expectations.


Ion Creanga State Pedagogical University

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