Atitudinea față de școală a copiilor de vârstă școlară (studiu comparativ)


Robu Viorel1ORCID,Petrescu Zamfira-Maria2ORCID,Caranfil Narcisa Gianina3ORCID


1. "Vasile Alecsandri" University of Bacău, România

2. "Agricola" Kindergarten Bacău

3. Free International University of Moldova


This study addresses the attitude toward school among young school-age children. This variable is very important for the analysis of the factors responsible for the diff erences between young school-age children in terms of the quality of their adaptation to school tasks and the acquisition they make through the teaching process carried out in classroom. This study is based on a quantitative design. Participants (N = 157 students in grades 3 and 4) completed a standardized questionnaire that captured various indicators of attitude toward school. Descriptive data showed positive student attitude when the following areas were analyzed: relationship with teachers, classroom instruction, thorough preparation for school, homework, academic performance, and satisfaction with school. The hierarchy of daily activities by frequency placed preparing for class for school, reading, and solving homework in the top positions. The comparative data partially confi rmed three of the working hypotheses. The results of the study are analyzed in terms of their relevance to psycho-educational approaches aimed at increasing motivation for school among young school-age children.


Ion Creanga State Pedagogical University

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