Popularity, Mixed Matchings, and Self-Duality


Huang Chien-Chung1ORCID,Kavitha Telikepalli2


1. École Normale Supérieure, Université PSL, 75005 Paris, France;

2. Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400005, India


Our input instance is a bipartite graph G where each vertex has a preference list ranking its neighbors in a strict order of preference. A matching M is popular if there is no matching N such that the number of vertices that prefer N to M outnumber those that prefer M to N. Each edge is associated with a utility and we consider the problem of matching vertices in a popular and utility-optimal manner. It is known that it is NP-hard to compute a max-utility popular matching. So we consider mixed matchings: a mixed matching is a probability distribution or a lottery over matchings. Our main result is that the popular fractional matching polytope PG is half-integral and in the special case where a stable matching in G is a perfect matching, this polytope is integral. This implies that there is always a max-utility popular mixed matching which is the average of two integral matchings. So in order to implement a max-utility popular mixed matching in G, we need just a single random bit. We analyze the popular fractional matching polytope whose description may have exponentially many constraints via an extended formulation with a linear number of constraints. The linear program that gives rise to this formulation has an unusual property: self-duality. The self-duality of this LP plays a crucial role in our proof. Our result implies that a max-utility popular half-integral matching in G and also in the roommates problem (where the input graph need not be bipartite) can be computed in polynomial time.


Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences (INFORMS)


Management Science and Operations Research,Computer Science Applications,General Mathematics

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1. Popular Matchings with One-Sided Bias;ACM Transactions on Algorithms;2024-01-22

2. Popular critical matchings in the many-to-many setting;Theoretical Computer Science;2024-01

3. Computational Complexity of k-Stable Matchings;Algorithmic Game Theory;2023

4. A Constructive Approach to Existence of Equilibria in Time-Inconsistent Stochastic Control Problems;SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization;2022-03-09

5. Quasi-Popular Matchings, Optimality, and Extended Formulations;Mathematics of Operations Research;2021-10-19








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