As the number of offshore wind-power installations increases, collision accidents with vessels occur more frequently. This study investigates the risk of collision damage with operating vessels that may occur during the operation of an offshore wind turbine. The floater used in the collision study is a 15 MW UMaine VolturnUS-S (semi-submersible type), and the colliding ships are selected as multi-purpose vessels, service operation vessels, or anchor-handling tug ships based on their operational purpose. Collision analysis is performed using ABAQUS and substantiation is performed via a drop impact test. The collision analyses are conducted by varying the ship velocity, displacement, collision angle, and ship shape. By applying this numerical model, the extent of damage and deformation of the collision area is confirmed. The analysis results show that a vessel with a bulbous bow can cause flooding, depending on the collision conditions. For damage caused by collision, various collision angles must be considered based on the internal stiffener arrangement. Additionally, the floater can be flooded with relatively small collision energy when the colliding vessel has a bulbous bow.
Korea Institute of Energy Technology Evaluation and Planning
Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy
The Korean Society of Ocean Engineers