Prevalence and Drug Resistance Pattern of Mycobacterium tuberculosis Isolated from Tuberculosis Patients in Basra, Iraq


Mohammed Khairallah A.S.1ORCID,Khudhair Ghorob S.1,Al-Rabeai Dheyaa Bekheet2


1. Department of Medical Lab Technology, College of Health and Medical Technology, Southern Technical University , Basra , Iraq

2. Advisory Clinic for Chest Diseases and Respiratory , Basra , Iraq


Abstract Drug-resistant Mycobacterium tuberculosis (DR-MTB) is a major health threat to human beings. This study aimed to evaluate the prevalence and drug resistance profile of MTB. Data were collected from 2,296 newly diagnosed, and 246 retreated tuberculosis (TB) patients who attended the Advisory Clinic for Chest Diseases and Respiratory in Basra province from January 2016 to December 2020. Both new diagnostic and retreated TB cases showed that DR-MTB cases were significantly higher at age 15–34 years, pulmonary TB, and urban residents but with no significant difference regarding gender. The drugs resistance was significantly higher among the retreated cases compared with the new diagnostic patients (20.3% vs. 2.4%, p < 0.0001), with the percentage of the resistance to first-line drugs in primary and secondary cases including isoniazid (1% and 17.1%), rifampicin (0.78% and 15.8%), ethambutol (0.56% and 8.5%), streptomycin (1.3% and 9.75%). Notice that the most common drug resistance was against streptomycin with 1.3% in new patients and against isoniazid (17.1%) in retreated patients. The rate of total drug-resistant TB, multi-drug resistant TB, mono-drug resistant TB, and rifampicin-resistant TB among new tuberculosis cases increased in this period from 2.2 to 6.7%, 0.17 to 1.6%, 0.85 to 4%, and 0.17 to 4%, with a percentage change of 204.54, 841.17, 370.58, 22.5%, respectively. The rates of poly drug-resistant TB and ethambutol-resistant-TB dropped in this period by 15.96%, and 0.7%, with a decrease from 1.19 to 1% and from 1 to 0.3%, respectively. Similarly, the increase of drug-resistant TB among secondary cases has also occurred. In conclusion, the temporal trend showed an increase in the rate of drug resistance of M. tuberculosis since 2016, with a predominant multi-drug-resistant TB and isoniazid-resistant TB.


Polish Society of Microbiologists


Microbiology (medical),Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology,General Medicine,Microbiology

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