A Detailed Analysis Of Imam Hatip Schools


ACAR Ali Kemal1




In the Republican period religious education experience; Religious lessons, religious and imam hatip schools are among the prominent topics. Among these titles, imam hatip schools were determined as the subject of the study. A descriptive analysis has been made in the focus of the approaches, the characteristics of the schools and the problem areas as in the literature. It has been tried to determine the ways in which schools are perceived in different areas for today, although it also includes the issues of the past. For schools; The scope was created by taking into account the prominent issues in the researches carried out in order to determine the opinions of students, parents and public opinion. The fact that they are on the hot agenda in certain periods seems to have been effective in the evaluation of schools from different perspectives. The number of academic studies on imam hatip schools in the field is quite high. Especially the research on its history has reached a certain extent. Studies in which the issues identified with these institutions, seen as problems or shown as a holistic approach are relatively few. In this study, it has been tried to determine the prominent issues about imam hatip schools, to include positive and negative evaluations, and to determine the situation in this way. In the studies, suggestions specific to these schools were also included rather than evaluations for general education. The ones that stand out from the variety of topics encountered as a result of the literature review and that are frequently repeated were preferred. Qualitative research method was used in the study, the data obtained by document analysis was evaluated by content analysis, and a descriptive approach was taken as basis.


Kilis 7 Aralik University


General Medicine

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