Immunization is one of the most successful practices for the maintenance of public health. With the emergence pandemic, distant health services, in other words the e-Health concept, has gained importance. It was aimed to develop the COVID-19 vaccine attitude scale and to determine the effect of e-Health literacy on the impact of people's COVID-19 vaccine literacy levels on their vaccine attitudes, in this study. The COVID-19 vaccine attitude scale was developed by the researchers. The scale development process of the research started with the literature review. This process continued with creating an item pool, receiving expert opinions, piloting, and finalizing the scale. As a result of the research, the Cα value of the COVID-19 vaccine attitude scale was found to be 0.745. The total variance explanatory power of the scale was determined as 56,972. Confirmatory factor analysis was determined as χ2/sd = 4.902. In this context, the construct validity of the scale was confirmed. As a result of the research, it was determined that 90,4% of the participants had been vaccinated. It was concluded that the e-Health literacy of the participants was at a medium level (37.38±7.90), while their COVID-19 vaccine literacy was at a low level (30.88±7.34). It was concluded that the participants' attitudes towards vaccination were positive. It has been determined that the increase in the e-Health and COVID-19 vaccine literacy levels of the participants caused a positive increase in their attitudes toward the vaccine.
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