
,ILYUSHCHANKA Alexander Ph.,LIASHOK Andrei V., ,ROGOVOY Alexander N., ,REGINYA Vladimir V.,


The torque converter is designed to transmit mechanical energy from the engine through a circulating fluid flow and automatically steplessly changes, within certain limits, the angular speed and transmitted torque depending on the load on the dump truck wheels. The torque converter makes it possible to achieve low speeds of the dump truck with increased traction on the drive wheels, ensures stable engine operation when the load changes, and also helps reduce dynamic loads in the dump truck transmission. The paper presents the results of a study of the effect of iron-chromium alloy powder ПХ30 (PKh30) on increasing the performance properties of sintered friction material for use in the torque converter locking clutch of a hydromechanical transmission. This is achieved due to the high physical and mechanical properties of PKh30, and the Cr23C6 layer formed during the sintering process with a thickness of up to 6 μm. It is established that the introduction of 10–40 vol.% of PKh30 powder helps to increase the friction coefficient from 0.042 to 0.075, with the maximum content being 28 %. Based on the data obtained, the composition of the composite friction material ФМ-15 (FM-15) was developed and patented. The manufactured friction discs, installed and operated in the hydromechanical transmission torque converter of the BELAZ-7555E mining dump truck with a load capacity of 60 tons, showed high performance properties. The developed composition of the friction material is also used in the friction clutches of the loading and hauling machine MoAZ-40751 with a load capacity of 16 tons and the loading and transport mine machine MoAZ-75851 with a load capacity of 50 tons with an electronic-hydraulic automatic control system. The study of tribological properties was carried out on a friction machine ИМ 58 (IM 58). The morphology of the friction surface was studied on a scanning electron microscope MIRA (Czech Republic) with an INCA 350 micro-X-ray spectral attachment from Oxford Instruments (United Kingdom). Phase composition was determined on an Ultima IV X-ray diffractometer of Rigaku Company (Japan) in CuKα radiation at an X-ray tube voltage of 40 kV, anode current of 40 mA.


Joint Institute of Mechanical Engineering of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus

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