As a result of the development of technology, social media, which is a source for all areas of life, is a simultaneous communication tool with mutual information sharing. Developing internet technologies have allowed users to create and share content without the need for technical knowledge. Social media also raises ethical problems due to the fact that it is an online network that eliminates the concept of time and physical space, where its user publishes and shares content that they produce themselves. Many problems such as privacy, inability to secure personal data, copyright/patent rights, intense advertising content, misleading labeling and Secret advertising practices are discussed as ethical problems of social media.
The aim of the study is to determine the degree to which social media users are aware of the ethical violations in question and their predisposition to ethical values. However, it is discussed whether advertising on social media shares, which are growing rapidly and have become an industry, is ethical and to what extent these shares affect consumers' purchase intentions. The survey technique was used as a quantitative research method, and the questionnaire form was used as a data collection tool. The questionnaires were distributed via the Internet and 653 questionnaires were evaluated. The data were recorded in the SPSS statistical program and analyzed. After the analyses, there was no significant relationship between decisiveness to ethical values and evaluations for advertising and consumer purchase intention. In contrast, it dec seen that there is a significant relationship between advertising-oriented evaluations and consumer purchase intention.
Izmir Katip Celebi University
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