Echogenicity of atherosclerotic plaque - a criterion for assessing the dynamics and prognosis of cardiovascular diseases


Pogorelova O. A.1ORCID,Tripoten M. A.1ORCID,Hamchieva L. Sh.1ORCID,Guchaeva D. A.1ORCID,Kozlov S. G.1ORCID,Shakhnovich R. M.1ORCID,Balakhonova T. V.1ORCID


1. National medical research centre of cardiology named after academician E.I. Chazov of the Ministry of Healthcare of the Russian Federation; 15a, Academician Chazov str., Moscow 121552, Russian Federation


Aim: to measure the echogenicity of atherosclerotic plaques (AP) of carotid arteries to assess the dynamics of atherosclerosis and risk of cardiovascular outcomes (CVO) in patients with different CVD risk.Materials and methods. The study included 223 patients: 80 patients (47 males) with moderate CVD risk (mean age: 53 years, range: 39-66) (Group 1) and 143 patients (123 males) with acute coronary syndrome (ACS) and high CVD risk (mean age: 57, range: 32-83) years (Group 2). All patients were examined at the Chazov National Medical Research Center of Cardiology. Patients underwent a standard clinical examination, biochemical blood test with lipid profile determination, and ultrasound duplex scanning. Patients with ACS were re-examined after 1-1.5 years and patients with moderate CVD risk were re-examined after 1 and 7 years.Results. We analyzed 181 APs in Group 1 and 378 APs in Group 2. Analysis of gray-scale median (GSM) at the first and second visit showed a significant increase in GSM in both groups: from 67.02 [54.13; 82.85] to 73.5 [59.5; 88.7] (p<0.0001) in Group 1, and from 49.3 [39.73;63.64] to 50.7 [40.04;66.54] (p<0.05) in Group 2. An increase in GSM was observed in 79% of patients in Group 1, in 53% of patients in Group 2. Unfavorable CVO (CVO+) developed after 7 years in 7 (8.8%) patients in Group 1, and after 1 year in 23 (23%) patients in Group 2. In Group 1, an increase in GSM was observed only in patients with favorable prognosis (CVO-): from 67.7[52.13; 79.0] to 77.5[64.12; 91.0] (n=148 AP, p<0.05), in patients with CVO+, GSM increased non-significantly from 60.1[53.5; 66.5] to 66.5[55.0; 71.6] (n=18 AP, p=NS). In Group 2, a significant increase in GSM was observed in patients with CVO-: from 48.7[39.0; 63.4] to 51.3[40.0; 67.4] (n=141 AP, p<0.01), in patients with CVO+, GSM decreased from 51.6[42.9; 72.5] to 50.2[40.4; 65.0] (n=43 AP, p=NS). In Group 2, GSM significantly increased by 2.75 (6.05%) from the initial value (p<0.05) in patients with CVO-, while patients with CVO+ showed a significant decrease in the average GSM of AP by 3.33 (7.8%) (p<0.05). Using ROC analysis, a Δ% GSM value of 6.96% was found (area under the curve 0.628 ± 0.0465 [95% CI 0.556 - 0.696], p = 0.0058). According to Cox regression analysis, the risk of CVO increased by 2.16 times with a decrease in GSM AP in the carotid arteries over time by ≥ 6.96% (НR=2.16; 95% CI=1.331 – 3.507); p=0.009.Conclusion. The ultrasound method of measuring the echogenicity of an atherosclerotic plaque of the carotid artery using GSM parameter can be effective for assessing the dynamics of atherosclerosis and prognosis of adverse cardiovascular events in patients with high and moderate CVD risk


Vidar, Ltd.

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