Dedifferentiation by adenovirus E1A due to inactivation of Hippo pathway effectors YAP and TAZ


Zemke Nathan R.,Gou Dawei,Berk Arnold J.


Adenovirus transformed cells have a dedifferentiated phenotype. Eliminating E1A in transformed human embryonic kidney cells derepressed ∼2600 genes, generating a gene expression profile closely resembling mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs). This was associated with a dramatic change in cell morphology from one with scant cytoplasm and a globular nucleus to one with increased cytoplasm, extensive actin stress fibers, and actomyosin-dependent flattening against the substratum. E1A-induced hypoacetylation at histone H3 Lys27 and Lys18 (H3K27/18) was reversed. Most of the increase in H3K27/18ac was in enhancers near TEAD transcription factors bound by Hippo signaling-regulated coactivators YAP and TAZ. E1A causes YAP/TAZ cytoplasmic sequestration. After eliminating E1A, YAP/TAZ were transported into nuclei, where they associated with poised enhancers with DNA-bound TEAD4 and H3K4me1. This activation of YAP/TAZ required RHO family GTPase signaling and caused histone acetylation by p300/CBP, chromatin remodeling, and cohesin loading to establish MSC-associated enhancers and then superenhancers. Consistent results were also observed in primary rat embryo kidney cells, human fibroblasts, and human respiratory tract epithelial cells. These results together with earlier studies suggest that YAP/TAZ function in a developmental checkpoint controlled by signaling from the actin cytoskeleton that prevents differentiation of a progenitor cell until it is in the correct cellular and tissue environment.


Professor June Lascelles Fund

University of California at Los Angeles Jonsson Comprehensive Cancer Center


Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory


Developmental Biology,Genetics







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