AbstractBCV and tecovirimat are the only two chemical drugs that have been approved to treat smallpox and can be requested for Mpox treatment through a single-patient Emergency Investigational New Drug (EIND) application. Disappointedly, the efficacy of tecovirimat manifested in a recent clinical trial is far from being satisfactory, while the clinical efficacy of BCV is still inconclusive. Given that MPXV, variola and other emerging orthopoxviruses are posing serious threats to global health, it is urgent to develop better therapeutics. In this study, we tested the antiviral effects of three novel prodrugs, which were designed based on previously reported parent drugs, either (S)-HPMPC (cidofovir) or (S)-HPMPA. We found that one of the (S)-HPMPA-based prodrugs, ODE-(S)-HPMPA formate, exhibited significantly better anti-orthopoxvirus activity than BCV both in vitro and in vivo, which also inhibited human adenovirus type 2 and type 21 more efficiently than BCV. Most strikingly, the EC50and EC90of ODE-(S)-HPMPA formate against MPXV were more than 40-fold lower than those of BCV. In contrast, we observed that the anti-HSV-1 activities of the (S)-HPMPA-based prodrugs were less effective than those of the cidofovir-based prodrugs (BCV and BCV formate), especially in vivo. Moreover, we showed for the first time that cytidine and adenine analog combined therapies could provide mice with complete protection against lethal challenges of both vaccinia and HSV-1. Collectively, we propose that both the ODE-(S)-HPMPA formate and the BCV/ODE-(S)-HPMPA formate combination are worth further investigations for their potential clinical applications.
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory