SummaryDetailing the ways drugs of abuse physically alter dopaminergic circuits would provide new mechanisms for explaining addictive behaviors, future targets for therapeutic intervention, and insights into the nature of synaptic plasticity. We combine recent advances in genetic labeling with large volume serial electron microscopy to detail how normal dopaminergic (DA) axons interact with putative targets in the Nucleus Accumbens (NAc) and how those interactions change in mice briefly exposed to cocaine. We find that while most DA axonal boutons are devoid of obvious signs of synapses (i.e. synaptic vesicles or synaptic densities), many DA boutons physically interdigitate with dendrites or excitatory and inhibitory axons. A brief exposure to cocaine results in large-scale remodeling: extensive DA axonal branching and frequent occurrences of axonal blind-ended “bulbs”, filled with mitochondria and reminiscent of axonal retraction in the developing and damaged brain. The number of physical interdigitations and vesicle filled boutons in DA axons scales linearly with the length of axon in both controls and cocaine exposed animals and the size or the type of interaction (i.e. axo-axonic or axo-dendritic) do not change. Finally, we find in cocaine exposed animals, mitochondrial lengths are increased ~2.5 times relative to control. Mitochondrial elongation is cell type specific: primarily in DA neurons and downstream spiny dendrites, and localized to DA axons and not DA soma or dendrites. We show for the first time the effects of cocaine on remodeling of dopamine axon morphology and mitochondria and reveal new details on how dopamine neurons physically associate with downstream targets.
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory
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