L-lactic and 2-ketoglutaric acids, odors from human skin, govern attraction and landing in host-seeking femaleAedes aegyptimosquitoes


Sumner Benjamin D.,Amos Brogan A.,Bello Jan E.,Cardé Ring T.


AbstractAedes aegypti, presented with a source of L-lactic and 2-ketoglutaric acid in a wind-tunnel bioassay, takeoff, fly upwind, and land on the blend at rates comparable those exhibited by mosquitoes presented with a skin odor stimulus. Addition of carbon dioxide decreased takeoff latency but was not required to elicit upwind flight nor landings. Ketoglutaric acid, a recently identified component of human skin odor, combined with lactic acid elicits the full repertoire of mosquito host-seeking behaviors.


Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory

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