Risk factors for household transmission of SARS-Cov-2: a modelling study in the French national population-based EpiCov cohort


Novelli SophieORCID,Opatowski LullaORCID,Manto Carmelite,Rahib DelphineORCID,de Lamballerie Xavier,Warszawski Josiane,Meyer LaurenceORCID


ABSTRACTBackgroundHouseholds are specific transmission settings, as they involve close and repeated contacts between individuals of different generations. Household surveys provide a unique opportunity to better understand SARS-CoV-2 transmission and the role of individual characteristics.Here, we assessed the risk of SARS-CoV-2 acquisition from household and community exposure according to age, family ties, and socioeconomic and living conditions using data from the nationwide population-based EpiCov cohort/ORCHESTRA collaboration in November-December 2020.MethodsA history of SARS-CoV-2 infection was defined by a positive Euroimmun Anti-SARS-CoV-2 ELISA IgG result in November-December 2020. We applied stochastic chain binomial models fitted to the final distribution of infections in households to data from 17,983 individuals ≥5 years enrolled from 8,165 households. Models estimated the competing risks of being infected from community and household exposure.ResultsYoung adults aged 18-24 years had the highest risk of extra-household infection (8.9%, [95% credible interval, Crl]: 7.5 – 10.4), whereas the oldest (>75) and the youngest (6-10) had the lowest risk, 2.6% (1.8 – 3.5) and 3.4% (1.9 – 5.2), respectively. Extra-household infection was also independently associated with socioeconomic conditions. Within households, the probability of person-to-person transmission increased with age: 10.6% (5.0 – 17.9) among 6-10-year-olds to 43.1% (32.6 – 53.2) among 65-74-year-olds. It was higher between partners 29.9% (25.6 - 34.3) and from mother to child 29.1% (21.4 – 37.3) than between individuals related by other family ties.ConclusionIn 2020 in France, the main factors identified for extra-household infection were age and socioeconomic conditions. Intra-household infection mainly depended on age and family ties.Key MessagesYoung adults aged 18-24 years had the highest probability of extra-household SARS-Cov-2 acquisition over the year 2020: 8.9%, 95% credible interval (95%Crl) 7.5 – 10.4.The probability of extra-household infection increased with family income and population density in the municipality of residence and was higher in the French regions most affected by the waves of SARS-CoV-2.When estimating the probability of person-to-person transmission of SARS-CoV-2, the 65-74 year-olds had the highest susceptibility, i.e. the highest probability of SARS-CoV-2 acquisition when exposed to an infected household member (22.1%, 16.4 – 28.2)The probability of transmission was the highest between partners (29.9%, 25.6 – 34.3). The probability of transmission was higher from mother to child than from father to child: 29.1%, (21.4 – 37.3) and 14.0% (5.9 – 22.8), respectively. The probability of transmission from child to parent was higher from children <12 years than for older children: 11.8% (2.5 – 25.1) and 4.1% (0.9 – 9.0), respectively.


Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory








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