1. Abadi, M. , Barham, P. , Chen, J. , Chen, Z. , Davis, A. , Dean, J. , Devin, M. , Ghemawat, S. , Irving, G. , Isard, M. , Kudlur, M. , Levenberg, J. , Monga, R. , Moore, S. , Murray, D. G. , Steiner, B. , Tucker, P. , Vasudevan, V. , Warden, P. , … Zheng, X. (2016). {TensorFlow}: A System for {Large-Scale} Machine Learning. 265–283. https://www.usenix.org/conference/osdi16/technical-sessions/presentation/abadi
2. ISMARA: automated modeling of genomic signals as a democracy of regulatory motifs
3. rHVDM: an R package to predict the activity and targets of a transcription factor
4. Prospects of Fine-Mapping Trait-Associated Genomic Regions by Using Summary Statistics from Genome-wide Association Studies
5. FINEMAP: efficient variable selection using summary data from genome-wide association studies