Learning Free Energy Pathways through Reinforcement Learning of Adaptive Steered Molecular Dynamics


Ho Nicholas,Cava John Kevin,Vant John,Shukla Ankita,Miratsky Jake,Turaga Pavan,Maciejewski Ross,Singharoy Abhishek


AbstractIn this paper, we develop a formulation to utilize reinforcement learning and sampling-based robotics planning to derive low free energy transition pathways between two known states. Our formulation uses Jarzynski’s equality and the stiffspring approximation to obtain point estimates of energy, and construct an informed path search with atomistic resolution. At the core of this framework, is our first ever attempt we use a policy driven adaptive steered molecular dynamics (SMD) to control our molecular dynamics simulations. We show that both the reinforcement learning and robotics planning realization of the RL-guided framework can solve for pathways on toy analytical surfaces and alanine dipeptide.


Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory

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