A Systems Approach to the Cellular Analysis of Associative Learning in the Pond Snail Lymnaea


Benjamin Paul R.,Staras Kevin,Kemenes György


We show that appetitive and aversive conditioning can be analyzed at the cellular level in the well-described neural circuitries underlying rhythmic feeding and respiration in the pond snail, Lymnaea stagnalis. To relate electrical changes directly to behavior, the snails were first trained and the neural changes recorded at multiple sites in reduced preparations made from the same animals. Changes in neural activity following conditioning could be recorded at the level of motoneurons, central pattern generator interneurons and modulatory neurons. Of significant interest was recent work showing that neural correlates of long-term memory could be recorded in the feeding network following single-trial appetitive chemical conditioning. Available information on the synaptic connectivity and transmitter content of identified neurons within the Lymnaea circuits will allow further work on the synaptic and molecular mechanisms of learning and memory.


Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory


Cellular and Molecular Neuroscience,Cognitive Neuroscience,Neuropsychology and Physiological Psychology

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1. Better together: isolation impedes memory formation for configural learning in Lymnaea stagnalis;Journal of Experimental Biology;2023-11-30

2. Memristive devices;Reference Module in Materials Science and Materials Engineering;2023

3. Configural learning memory can be transformed from intermediate-term to long-term in pond snail Lymnaea stagnalis;Physiology & Behavior;2021-10

4. Memristive Devices and Circuits;Fundamentals of Organic Neuromorphic Systems;2021-08-27

5. The central importance of nuclear mechanisms in the storage of memory;Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications;2021-07








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