AbstractThe spread and adaptation of fungal plant pathogens in agroecosystems are facilitated by environmental homogeneity. Metagenomic sequencing of infected tissues allows to monitor eco-evolutionary dynamics and interactions betwen host, pathogen and the plant microbiome.Exserohilum turcicum, the causal agent of northern corn leaf blight (NCLB) in maize, is distributed in multiple clonal lineages throughout Europe. To characterize regional pathogen diversity, we conducted metagenomic DNA sequencing on 241 infected leaf samples from the highly susceptible Swiss maize landrace Rheintaler Ribelmais, collected over three years (2016-2018) from an average of 14 agricultural farms within the Swiss Rhine Valley. All major European clonal lineages ofE. turcicumwere identified. Lineages differ by their mating types which indicates potential for sexual recombination and rapid evolution of new pathogen strains, although we found no evidence of recent recombination. The associated eukaryotic and prokaryotic leaf microbiome exhibited variation in taxonomic diversity between years and locations and is likely influenced by local weather conditions. A network analysis revealed distinct clusters of eukaryotic and prokaryotic taxa that correlates with the frequency ofE. turcicumsequencing reads, suggesting causal interactions. Notably, the yeast genusMetschnikowiaexhibited a strongly negative correlation, supporting its known potential as biological control agent against fungal pathogens. Our findings show that metagenomic sequencing is a useful tool for analyzing the role of environmental factors and potential pathogen-microbiome interactions in shaping pathogen dynamics and evolution, suggesting their potential for effective pathogen management strategies.
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory