Neuronal hypofunction and network dysfunction in a mouse model at an early stage of tauopathy


Ji Changyi,Yang Xiaofeng,Eleish Mohamed,Jiang Yixiang,Tetlow Amber,Song Soomin,Martín-Ávila Alejandro,Wu Qian,Zhou Yanmei,Gan Wenbiao,Lin Yan,Sigurdsson Einar M


AbstractWe previously reported altered neuronal Ca2+dynamics in the motor cortex of 12-month-old JNPL3 tauopathy mice during quiet wakefulness or forced running, with a tau antibody treatment significantly restoring the neuronal Ca2+activity profile and decreasing pathological tau in these mice1. Whether neuronal functional deficits occur at an early stage of tauopathy and if tau antibody treatment is effective in younger tauopathy mice needed further investigation. In addition, neuronal network activity and neuronal firing patterns have not been well studied in behaving tauopathy models.In this study, we first performed in vivo two-photon Ca2+imaging in JNPL3 mice in their early stage of tauopathy at 6 months of age, compared to 12 month old mice and age-matched wild-type controls to evaluate neuronal functional deficits. At the animal level, frequency of neuronal Ca2+transients decreased only in 6 month old tauopathy mice compared to controls, and only when animals were running on a treadmill. The amplitude of neuronal transients decreased in tauopathy mice compared to controls under resting and running conditions in both age groups. Total neuronal activity decreased only in 6 month old tauopathy mice compared to controls under resting and running conditions. Within either tauopathy or wild-type group, only total activity decreased in older wild-type animals. The tauopathy mice at different ages did not differ in neuronal Ca2+transient frequency, amplitude or total activity. In summary, neuronal function did significantly attenuate at an early age in tauopathy mice compared to controls but interestingly did not deteriorate between 6 and 12 months of age.A more detailed populational analysis of the pattern of Ca2+activity at the neuronal level in the 6 month old cohort confirmed neuronal hypoactivity in layer 2/3 of primary motor cortex, compared to wild-type controls, when animals were either resting or running on a treadmill. Despite reduced activity, neuronal Ca2+profiles exhibited enhanced synchrony and dysregulated responses to running stimulus. Further ex vivo electrophysiological recordings revealed reduction of spontaneous excitatory synaptic transmission onto and in pyramidal neurons and enhanced excitability of inhibitory neurons in motor cortex, which were likely responsible for altered neuronal network activity in this region.Lastly, tau antibody treatment reduced pathological tau and gliosis partially restored the neuronal Ca2+activity deficits but failed to rescue altered network changes.Taken together, substantial neuronal and network dysfunction occurred in the early stage of tauopathy that was partially alleviated with acute tau antibody treatment, which highlights the importance of functional assessment when evaluating the therapeutic potential of tau antibodies.HighlightsLayer 2/3 motor cortical neurons exhibited hypofunction in awake and behaving mice at the early stage of tauopathy.Altered neuronal network activity disrupted local circuitry engagement in tauopathy mice during treadmill running.Layer 2/3 motor cortical neurons in tauopathy mice exhibited enhanced neuronal excitability and altered excitatory synaptic transmissions.Acute tau antibody treatment reduced pathological tau and gliosis, and partially restored neuronal hypofunction profiles but not network dysfunction.


Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory







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