Effect of mangrove-sword bean-food bar on weight and Weight-for-Age Z-score in under-five children after landslide disaster


Fatmah ORCID,Utomo Suyud Warno


AbstractSpecial attention needs to be given to under-five children who have specific needs due to their lower ability to prepare for disasters. Simple, ready-to-eat, and tasty food that meets the micronutrient needs of the groups is needed. The study aimed to assess the effect of the food bar made fromapi-apimangrove (Avicennia marina) and sword bean (Canavalia ensiformis) blends on the weight and Weight-for-Age Z (WAZ) score after landslide disaster. A non randomized pre-post intervention study was performed on 34 under-five children affected by landslide disaster during 15 days. Subjects were divided into intervention (api-apimangrove-sword beanfood bars) and control groups (sword bean food bars). Both groups received the food bars for 15 days. Education on balanced nutrition for under-five children was provided to all subjects’ mothers in the study. The study revealed that most mothers of under-five children liked mangrove-sword bean food bar from the aroma, taste, texture, and color in the hedonic test. The intervention group experienced weight gain (0.32 kg) and WAZ score (0.73) were greater compared with the control group. There were significant difference in weight and WAZ score changes of the under-five children accompanied by a significant increases in mothers’ knowledge on the balanced nutrition for under-five children and food bar total consumption. No significant differences of macronutrient consumption, except fat intake between pre-post study were found.Api-apimangrove-sword beanfood bar can be an emergency food alternative for disaster vulnerable group communities affected by natural disasters. Future studies may wish to consider examining the issue using pregnant women as the research subjects.


Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory

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