1. Back to normal life, complete lifting of social distancing measures from April 18. Seoul Metropolitan Government. Available from: https://news.seoul.go.kr/welfare/archives/542308 (Korean, author’s translation)
2. Lifting of mandatory outdoor mask wearing and recommendation of voluntary wearing. Korea Disease Control and Prevention Agency. Available from: https://www.kdca.go.kr/gallery.es?mid=a20503010000&bid=0002&list_no=145857&act=view (Korean, author’s translation)
3. Where should I wear a mask indoors?. Korea Disease Control and Prevention Agency. Available from: https://www.kdca.go.kr/board/board.es?mid=a20501050000&bid=0015&act=view&list_no=721800 (Korean, author’s translation)
4. Mandatory mask wearing on public transportation will be lifted from the April 20. Korea Policy Briefing. Available from: https://www.korea.kr/multi/visualNewsView.do?newsId=148912938 (Korean, author’s translation)
5. Domestic occurrence status of COVID-19. Korea Disease Control and Prevention Agency. Available from: https://ncov.kdca.go.kr/bdBoardList_Real.do?brdId=1&brdGubun=11&ncvContSeq=&contSeq=&board_id=&gubun = (Korean, author’s translation)