Differences in the transcriptome response in the gills of sea lamprey acutely exposed to 3-trifluoromethyl-4-nitrophenol (TFM), niclosamide or a TFM:niclosamide mixture


Lawrence M.J.ORCID,Grayson P.ORCID,Jeffrey J.D.,Docker M.F.,Garroway C.J.ORCID,Wilson J.M.,Manzon R.G.,Wilkie M.P.,Jeffries K.M.


AbstractSea lamprey (Petromyzon marinus) control in the Laurentian Great Lakes of North America makes use of two pesticides: 3-trifluoromethyl-4-nitrophenol (TFM) and niclosamide, which are often co-applied. Sea lamprey appear to be vulnerable to these agents resulting from a lack of detoxification responses with evidence suggesting that lampricide mixtures produce a synergistic effect. However, there is a lack of information pertaining to the physiological responses of sea lamprey to niclosamide and TFM:niclosamide mixtures. Here, we characterized the transcriptomic responses of the sea lamprey to TFM, niclosamide, and a TFM:niclosamide (1.5%) mixture in the gill. Along with a control, larval sea lamprey were exposed to each treatment for 6 h, after which gill tissues were extracted for measuring whole-transcriptome responses using RNA sequencing. Differential gene expression patterns were summarized, which included identifying the broad roles of genes and common expression patterns among the treatments. While niclosamide treatment resulted in no differentially expressed genes, TFM- and mixture-treated fish had several differentially expressed genes that were associated with the cell cycle, DNA damage, metabolism, immune function, and detoxification. However, there was no common differential expression among treatments. For the first time, we characterized the transcriptomic response of sea lamprey to niclosamide and a TFM:niclosamide mixture and identified that these agents impact mRNA transcript abundance of genes associated with the cell cycle and cellular death, and immune function, which are likely mediated through mitochondrial dysregulation. These results may help to inform the production of more targeted and effective lampricides in sea lamprey control efforts.


Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory

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