Badawi M M,Salah-Eldin M A,Idris A B,Hasabo E A,Osman Z H,Osman W M
AbstractSexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) are ambiguous burden of tremendous health, social and economic consequences, The current systematic review was conducted in order to determine awareness and knowledge of Africans of sexually transmitted infections, not only concerning HIV/AIDS, but also other STIs such as, gonorrhea, syphilis, HBV, HCV and HPV. A systematic review of the literature was conducted, studies were retrieved and selected after they fulfilled the inclusion criteria and passed the assessment procedure. related data was extracted, quantitative analysis was conducted among participants who responded to questions related to HIV, HBV, HCV, HPV or STIs knowledge, sensitivity analysis as well as subgroup analysis were also conducted. Seventy four articles addressing knowledge among 35 African countries were included and 136 questions were analyzed and synthesized. The question Using condom will reduce HIV transmission?” was answered by 1,799,374 Africans in 35 countries, 66.82% [95% Cl; 62.65, 70.98] answered yes. While the question “Is sexual contact a possible route of HBV transmission?” was answered by 7,490 participants in 5 countries; 42.58% [95% Cl; 20.45, 64.71] answered yes. The differences observed among populations are highlighting the possibility for containment and control by directing light toward specific populations or countries as well as addressing specific awareness knowledge to ensure that the general as well as the related specific preventive awareness knowledge is improved.
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory
Reference115 articles.
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