Restoration and resilience to sea level rise of a salt marsh affected by dieback events in Charleston, SC


Rolando JLORCID,Hodges M,Garcia KD,Krueger G,Williams N,Carr J,Robinson J,George A,Morris J,Kostka JE


AbstractThe frequency of salt marsh dieback events has increased over the last 25 years with unknown consequences to the resilience of the ecosystem to accelerated sea level rise (SLR). Salt marsh ecosystems impacted by sudden vegetation dieback events were previously thought to recover naturally within a few months to years. In this study, we provide evidence that approximately 14% of total marsh area has not revegetated 10-years after a dieback event in Charleston, SC. Dieback onset coincided with a severe drought in 2012, and a second dieback event occurred in 2016 after a historic flood influenced by Hurricane Joaquin in October of 2015, with unvegetated zones reaching nearly 30% of total marsh area in 2017. Most affected areas were associated with lower elevation zones in the interior of the marsh (midmarsh). During the 2013 dieback event, we estimate that unvegetated midmarsh area expanded by 300%. Grass planting was shown to be an effective restoration practice, with restored plants having greater aboveground biomass than relict sites after two years of transplanting. A positive restoration outcome indicated that the stressors that caused the initial dieback are no longer present. Despite that, many dieback areas have not recovered naturally even as they are located within the typical elevation range of a healthy vegetated marsh. A mechanistic modelling approach was used to assess the effects of vegetation dieback on salt marsh resilience to SLR. Predictions indicate that a highly productive restored marsh (2000 g m-2 y-1) would persist at a moderate SLR rate of 60 cm 100 y-1, whereas a non- restored mudflat would lose all of its elevation capital after 100 years. Thus, rapid restoration of marsh dieback is critical to avoid further degradation. Also, failure to incorporate the increasing frequency and intensity of extreme climatic events which trigger irreversible marsh diebacks underestimates salt marsh vulnerability to climate change. At an elevated SLR rate of 122 cm 100 y-1, most likely an extreme climate change scenario, even highly productive ecosystems augmented by sediment placement would not keep pace with SLR. Thus, climate change mitigation actions are also urgently needed to preserve present-day marsh ecosystems.


Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory

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