Isotopic reconstruction of the subsistence strategy for a Central Italian Bronze Age community (Pastena cave, 2nd millennium BCE)


Cortese F.ORCID,De Angelis F.ORCID,Achino K.F.,Bontempo L.ORCID,Di Cicco M.R.ORCID,Gatta M.ORCID,Lubritto C.ORCID,Salari L.,Silvestri L.,Rickards O.ORCID,Rolfo M.F.ORCID


AbstractThe Pastena cave is located in central Italy and its best-preserved sector is Grotticella W2, which is dated radiometrically to the Early-Middle Bronze Age. The aim of this paper is to explore human diet, animal husbandry, and plant management analyzing the findings there discovered. Carbon and nitrogen stable isotope analysis have been carried out on 40 charred seeds, 6 faunal remains and 4 human specimens, investigating the whole bio-archaeological samples available. To the best of our knowledge, this is one of the first papers presenting stable isotope analysis on carpological remains dated to the Italian Early-Middle Bronze Age. The obtained results are consistent with a diet based on terrestrial protein, mainly on plants and secondly on meat and animal products. The data suggest that plants, especially broad beans, were partially subjected to human management, while livestock was managed through different husbandry strategies. The cooperation between archaeological studies and molecular analysis allows us to contribute to clarify the economic strategies for a Central Italian community in a scenario that is still poor in published data.


Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory

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