Low Temperatures Lead to Higher Toxicity of the Fungicide Folpet to Larval Stages of Rana temporaria and Bufotes viridis


Leeb ChristophORCID,Schuler Laura,Brühl Carsten A.ORCID,Theissinger KathrinORCID


AbstractPesticides are one of the main drivers of the worldwide amphibian decline. Their actual toxicity depends on a number of factors, like the species in focus or the developmental stage of exposed individuals. As ectothermic species, the metabolism of amphibians is influenced by ambient temperature. Therefore, temperature also affects metabolic rates and thus processes that might enhance or reduce toxic effects. Studies about the interactive effect of temperature and toxicity on amphibians are rare and deliver contrasting results. To investigate the temperature-dependent pesticide sensitivity of larvae of two European species we conducted acute toxicity tests for the viticultural fungicide Folpan® 500 SC with the active ingredient folpet at different temperatures (6°C, 11°C, 16°C, 21°C, 26°C). Sensitivity of Rana temporaria and Bufotes viridis was highly affected by temperature: early larvae (Gosner stage 20) were about twice more sensitive to Folpan® 500 SC at 6°C compared to 21°C. Next to temperature, species and developmental stage of larvae had an effect on sensitivity. The most sensitive individuals (early stages of R. temporaria at 6°C) were 14.5 times more sensitive than the least sensitive ones (early stages of B. viridis at 26°C). Our results raise concerns about typical ecotoxicological studies with amphibians that are often conducted at temperatures between 15°C and 20°C. We suggest that future test designs should be performed at temperatures that reflect the temperature range amphibians are exposed to in their natural habitats. Variations in the sensitivity due to temperature should also be considered as an uncertainty factor in upcoming environmental risk assessments for amphibians.


Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory

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