Aperiodic EEG activity masks the dynamics of neural oscillations during loss of consciousness from propofol


Brake NiklasORCID,Duc Flavie,Rokos Alexander,Arseneau Francis,Shahiri Shiva,Khadra Anmar,Plourde Gilles


AbstractEEGs are known to provide biomarkers for consciousness. Although EEG correlates of loss of consciousness (LOC) are often ascribed to changes in neural synchrony, mounting evidence suggests that some changes result from asynchronous neural activity. By combining EEG recordings of humans undergoing propofol administration with biophysical modelling, we present here a principled decomposition of EEG changes during LOC into synchronous and asynchronous sources. Our results reveal that IPSP decay rate and mean spike rate shape aperiodic EEG features, and that propofol’s effects on these parameters largely explain the changes in EEG spectra following propofol infusion. We further show that traditional spectral EEG analysis likely conflates these effects with changes in rhythmic activity, thereby masking the true dynamics of neural synchrony. We conclude that the well-documented propofol-induced alpha rhythm in fact appears before LOC, and that the moment of LOC is uniquely correlated with the sudden appearance of a delta rhythm.


Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory








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