Directional Proton Conductance in Bacteriorhodopsin Is Driven by Concentration Gradient, Not Affinity Gradient


Ren ZhongORCID


AbstractMany microorganisms can harvest energy from sun light to establish electrochemical potential across cell membrane by pumping protons outward. Light driven proton pumping against a transmembrane gradient entails exquisite electronic and conformational reconfigurations at fs to ms time scales. However, transient molecular events along the photocycle of bacteriorhodopsin are difficult to comprehend from noisy electron density maps obtained from multiple experiments. A major challenge arises from the coexisting intermediate populations as a heterogenous conformational mixture continuously evolves over 13 decades in time. This study reports a meta-analysis of the recent time-resolved datasets collected by several consortia. By resolving structural heterogeneity, this in-depth analysis substantially improves the quality of the electron density maps, and provides a clear visualization of the isolated intermediates from I to M. The earliest photoproducts revealed by the deconvoluted maps suggest that a proton transfer uphill against 15 pH units is accomplished by the same physics governing the tablecloth trick. While the Schiff base is displaced at the beginning of the photoisomerization within ∼30 fs, the proton stays due to its inertia. This affinity-independent early deprotonation builds up a steep proton concentration gradient that subsequently drives the directional proton conductance toward the extracellular medium. This mechanism fundamentally deviates from the widely adopted notion on multiple steps of chemical equilibrium driven by light-induced changes of proton affinities. The method of a numerical resolution of concurrent events from mixed observations is also generally applicable.


Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory

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