Tellurium: A Python Based Modeling and Reproducibility Platform for Systems Biology


Choi KiriORCID,Medley J. KyleORCID,Cannistra Caroline,König Matthias,Smith Lucian,Stocking Kaylene,Sauro Herbert M.ORCID


AbstractIn this article, we present Tellurium, a powerful Python-based integrated environment designed for model building, analysis, simulation and reproducibility in systems and synthetic biology. Tellurium is a modular, cross-platform, and open-source integrated development environment (IDE) composed of multiple libraries, plugins, and specialized modules and methods. Tellurium ensures exchangeability and reproducibility of computational models by supporting SBML (Systems Biology Markup Language), SED-ML (Simulation Experiment Description Markup Language), the COMBINE archive, and SBOL (Synthetic Biology Open Language). Tellurium is a self-contained modeling platform which comes with a fully configured Python distribution independent of other local Python installations on the target machine. The main interface is based on the Spyder IDE which has a highly accessible user interface akin to MATLAB ( Tellurium uses libRoadRunner as the default SBML simulation engine due to its superior performance, scalability and ease of integration. libRoadRunner supports deterministic simulations, stochastic simulations and steady state analyses. Tellurium also includes Antimony, a human-readable model definition language which can be converted to and from SBML. Other standard Python scientific libraries such as NumPy, SciPy, and matplotlib are included by default. Additionally, we include several user-friendly plugins and advanced modules for a wide-variety of applications, ranging from visualization tools to complex algorithms for bifurcation analysis and multi-dimensional parameter scanning. By combining multiple libraries, plugins, and modules into a single package, Tellurium provides a unified but extensible solution for biological modeling and simulation.


Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory

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