Exploring Discrete Space-Time Models for Information Transfer: Analogies from Mycelial Networks to the Cosmic Web


Wood Tommy,Sorakivi Tuomas,Ayres PhilORCID,Adamatzky AndrewORCID


AbstractFungal mycelium networks are large scale biological networks along which nutrients, metabolites flow. Recently, we discovered a rich spectrum of electrical activity in mycelium networks, including action-potential spikes and trains of spikes. Reasoning by analogy with animals and plants, where travelling patterns of electrical activity perform integrative and communicative mechanisms, we speculated that waves of electrical activity transfer information in mycelium networks. Using a new discrete space-time model with emergent radial spanning-tree topology, hypothetically comparable mycelial morphology and physically comparable information transfer, we provide physical arguments for the use of such a model, and by considering growing mycelium network by analogy with growing network of matter in the cosmic web, we develop mathematical models and theoretical concepts to characterise the parameters of the information transfer.


Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory

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