Cell-specific α-tubulin TBA-6 and pan-ciliary IFT cargo RAB-28 generate a non-canonical transition zone


Akella Jyothi ShilpaORCID,Silva Malan S.ORCID,Nguyen Ken C. Q.ORCID,Hall David H.ORCID,Barr Maureen M.ORCID


AbstractThe transition zone (TZ) regulates cilia composition and function. Canonical TZs with 9 doublet microtubules (MTs) are common but non-canonical TZs that vary from 9 MT symmetry also occur and arise through unknown mechanisms. Cilia on the quadrant inner labial type 2 (IL2Q) neurons ofC. eleganshave a specialized non-canonical TZ with fewer than 9 doublet MTs. We previously showed that non-canonical TZs in IL2Q cilia arise via MT loss and reorganization of canonical TZs. Here, we identify structural events and mechanisms that generate non-canonical TZs. Cell-specific α-tubulin TBA-6 and pan-ciliary IFT cargo RAB-28 regulate IL2QTZ MT loss without affecting ciliary assembly. Our results reveal a role for the tubulin code in generating non-canonical TZs and contribute towards understanding ciliary functional specialization.Author summaryCiliary microtubules are exquisitely diverse in arrangements and composition. Studies on how ciliary ultrastructural diversity is generated are essential to our understanding of cilia function in diverse healthy and pathological contexts. Despite its clinical relevance, the ultrastructural diversity of the transition zone and its microtubules remains understudied. Here, we uncover mechanisms contributing to generating ultrastructural diversity in the transition zone and in cilia. A subset of sensory cilia inC. eleganscontain a non-canonical transition zone with 7 and fewer doublet microtubules. We previously showed that this distinct transition zone is generated through microtubule loss in a canonical transition zone with 9 doublet microtubules, a process that occurs asynchronously during animal development. Here, we identify roles for the tubulin code and for an IFT cargo in generating a distinct transition zone. Sculpting of the distinct transition zone occurs in fully assembled cilia and transition zones and is independent of general ciliogenesis mechanisms. Our results demonstrate how specialized transition zones can be generated from canonical transition zones and provide insight into mechanisms of ciliary ultrastructural diversity and post-ciliogenesis restructuring. Such mechanisms hold the key to understanding ciliary function and to restoration of function in ciliopathies with ciliary ultrastructural defects.


Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory

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